Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Whats in the wrapping?

Photo Credit: Cherry Blossom Girl

For some reason things are just a little better when they come in pretty wrapping. I think it is mainly due to the fact that it shows that someone cared enough to take the time to make it a little prettier, just for you. Or at least that is how I felt as I watched the lovely saleswomen at Arthropologie carefully wrap the tights I had just purchased.

I love the simplistic look of the colors and writing in both of these bags.
The tights I bought I love the simple color detail in them.

Shirt I bought from Kansas City Kitty a really cute boutique in old town Fort Collins. They also have a blog.


  1. I completely agree with you about the packaging of a product. It makes all the difference.
    Lovely blog! Please check out/follow mine.


  2. Thank you so much for following me! Your blog is beautiful, and I will be stopping by often.

