Monday, February 21, 2011

Missing . . .

It is getting to the time of year were days are starting to get longer and blue skies ocasionanly appear just tempting and hinting that warmer days are to come. But yet, it has snowed two days in a row... And thus the longing for summer days has hit me hard today.

I miss late summer nights in Paris . . .
Photo Credit: Cherry Blossom Girl

I miss summer road trips . . .

 I miss summer dresses in white . . .

Photo Credit: Miss at la Playa
Photo Credit: The Sartorialist

I miss bike rides . . .
Photo Credit: The Sartorialist

I miss fluffy Clouds . . .

and beaches . . .

I miss hours on end spent with my horse . . .

 But most of all I miss the green and the blue . . .

Photo Credit: Yvan Rodic

Photo Credit: Tiffany Rebecca

Photo Credit: The Sartorialist

Saturday, February 19, 2011


This is an outfit that I wore a few days ago and took pictures of in a conference room I found to study in. I thought it made for a fun and unique setting. I also tired something new with the little video. 

Also go watch this video of the Bill Cunniham it is amazing. I remember when I first watched one of his videos, I was memorized he had such a simple grasp of fashion and found the pure joy and meaning in it. I love the quote at the end of the video I am not quite sure who said it, "Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of every day life, I don’t think you could do away with it is would be like doing away with civilization." I love this quote because a good outfit can really help you get through a day that feels like a war, because when everything else is wrong you can glance down and know that you are still beautiful. "The harder the day the higher the heel!"

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Monday, February 14, 2011


First off, Happy Valentines Day! This is the first time I have had someone for the holiday, and I think I have found the perfect gift and I even manged to warp it well, which does matter.

This Saturday was the perfect day. I got the chance to go up to the Teton Mountains and snowboard with my boyfriend it was the perfect day and exactly what I needed. Sadly I could not find my camera the day we went it, it has since been recovered from underneath a pile of laundry. 

This excursion got me thinking about the trends in mountain gear, my first thought was a post by Garance Dore about classic mountain gear. It used to be more elegant, not as warm though. The current styles lean toward a more "gangster" look, for a lack of a better term. Both my man and I agree that the "gangster" style is ridiculous and give the friends that have adopted this style a hard time. I feel that is a good thing that our winter wear has got warmer but I feel that it should also compliment the beautiful surroundings. 

Photo Credit: Garance Dore

Here is my current snowboarding outfit, sorry for the bad picture.

Here is my Dad's old snowboarding outfit that I used last Christmas.

Photos by Friends

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Whatever Happened to Style?

I saw the end of this commercial briefly yesterday and had to watch it again. I love everything about it. I especially love the shot of the pocket square of the gentlemen at 6 seconds and how the gentlemen tips his hat to the lady and holds her umberlla. These are all small and simple things that do not take much effort, but make all the difference. We have just become to busy and have lost respect and touch with true basic style. I hope that one day we can get back to this way of life. It just takes changing one little thing each day. Such as caring a little more about what you wear, or respecting those around you by opening a door. Hope this inspires you to put a little more style in your everyday life, I know a lot of you already do!

P.S. I just watched the Chrysler Super Bowl commercial and it was pretty good too, less to do with fashion though but well done none the less.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Falling into place

Thank you to all those people who have looked at my post and a special thank you goes out to those that have commented or followed me it means a lot. I apologize for not posting much lately. These past two weeks have been insanely busy for me, each day has felt like a week but each has been filled with so many amazing things.

I am at such a good place in my life right now many things that I have been working toward are starting to fall into place at long last. One thing that feel into my hands a few weeks ago was A VINTAGE RED DIOR JACKET, that I bought for four dollars at a local thrift store. I saw it amongst the various blazers of varing degrees of ugly I glazed at it quickly because  I am not much of a red person but I noticed the the fabric seemed nice so I glanced again and then I saw the Dior label and I could not believe it, and thought it was a fake but then I put it on and I knew that it was real. I was ecstatic and instantly bought it. It now sits on the nob outside my closet were I see it everyday, reminding me of my great find that feel into my hands.

If things are not quite falling into your hands right now just keeping working and trusting that one day they will, and never ever give up.