Photo Credit: I Can Read
This post was inspired by the video shot by Intel Visual Life of the Sartorialist. The Sartorialist was one of the first blogs I sincerely followed. If you don't already know the Sartorialist shots different individuals around the world, also commonly known as a street photographer. I started to follow just as he started to get popular, it was so neat to learn more about him. Scott is such an inspiration and is truly an example of a person who has a beautiful mind who knows what he wants. I loved the quote at the beginning of the video, "It seems odd but it is almost letting yourself fall in love a little bit everyday letting your self be seduced a little bit everyday." I love that because there are so many things around us that have the potential to "seduce" us everyday. But tragically most of us miss those opportunities to stop and be seduced for "a little bit."
So I challenge you to stop and see what seduces you tomorrow it does not have to be fashion or something classically beautiful just something that rings true and clear in your heart. Today, for me, it was a simply beautiful sunset, a good discussion in Physics, and simple moments with good true friends.
And if that did not inspire you (or even if it did) please watch the next video that I found on GoodMorning & GoodNight a long time ago and felt that it was perfect for this post.
My suggestion is to watch this Second one all the way to the end and do what it tells you to. :)
Your secret from Jean-Sebastien Monzani on Vimeo.
wonderful first picture!
new post:Alternative straps&follow me