Friday, May 18, 2012


I have been really busy these last two weeks, as I just started a new job at a national laboratory. It is always a crazy time adjusting to a new job but I am grateful that I had a few weeks in between school and this job. During those weeks I really had a chance to do what I wanted for once. I was able to decorate our apartment (more on that later) and spend quality time with my husband. One of our favorite pass times is taking walks, on one of these walks we found this train covered in graffiti. My husband is always on the look out for neat graffiti and has a true appreciation for it. I quickly learned to love it as well. I just love how each piece represents someone expressing themselves on something that is seen all over the country, even in little old Idaho.

I love the colors of these pieces, I also really like the lettering of the pieces on the left.

 One of my favorite things to look at were the smaller signatures that reveal the personality of the taggers.

 These four were some of my favorite tags.

I felt that these tags were interesting as the express the feelings, hopes, and attitudes of their authors in simple words that are seen across the country.

My gangster husband (he really is a sweet heart), the train, and some small simple treasures found on the tracks.

Disclaimer: I do not support vandalism.

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures. I've been thinking a lot lately about new-age art and creativity, and this definitely embraces some of those ideas. Thanks for sharing your blog! I've enjoyed looking through your posts!
