Sunday, September 1, 2013

New Beginings

This summer has been an interesting one for my husband and I, as we have transitioned from life as undergraduates and ventured into true adulthood. At the beginning of the summer we had no idea where we would be living at the end of the summer and I had no idea where I would be working. Now we are living in Renton, WA and I am working at Biorad. The last week has been a wild ride as we have started to make Washington our home and as I have adjusted to the full time working life. 

At this time of new beginnings I felt that I should continue my blog again. But first I must explain why I stopped blogging during the middle of the summer, when I had promised to continue. For a month and a half I was doing really good,  enjoying every post, and even started to get quite a few views. But then other posts where not getting as many views as I wanted, so I tried linky parties. As I got into them I realized that it really was a ton of people saying artificial stuff to get more views and it all just felt so fake to me. That experience just really turned me off from blogging. Because I really did not want to have to be fake to get followers but at the same time really wanted more followers. Now I have realized that I just need to share what I want to share in the best way I can and see what happens.

And now for an overview of some of the events of the past two months.
(That may or may not turn into there own individual posts)

Father's Day
With handmade ties!

A pieced triangle quilt

An applique quilt for my sister 

Family Reunions

Our Two Year Anniversary

A Teton Adventure

Washington Wanderings

I am excited to tell you more about these and the rest of our adventures/projects! 

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